Writing blogs is no easy task. It takes skill to generate organic traffic to your site through interesting and current topics and trends. You want to create clickable and sharable content that will increase your ranking on Google.
Here’s some tips on how to create SEO-friendly blog posts guaranteed to attract an audience to your site.
1 – What do you want your blog article to say?
Finding a topic is important. So, it’s important to think carefully about the message of your piece and what you want to impart to readers. Also think about what kinds of readers you want to attract and what you want them to do at the beginning, middle, and end of the piece.
Take into account the search intent of someone going to your website. Some questions to ask yourself are why is this person searching up this topic and what are they hoping to find? You can also do a quick Google search of terms you’d want to rank with. Taking these steps will help you develop your article.
2 – Think about how you want to structure your blog post
Much like essays we used to write in school, your post should have a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning (introduction) should introduce your topic, while the middle (body), should contain the message, and the conclusion (end) should summarize those main ideas.
Before you start, create an outline in just a few sentences of what you want to say in all three sections. The outline will help you create a readable and organized article. From there, writing up your piece should come easily.
3 – Paragraphs and headings are important
Paragraphs are often tricky when it comes to writing. A proper paragraph should not be too long and should break naturally where a thought ends. Each paragraph should contain its own thought or idea and should contain summaries of that thought or idea in the last sentence of the paragraph.
A good way to work through this is to ask yourself what the main idea is of each paragraph. Much like creating the structure of your article, this is a way to organize your thoughts.
Next comes headings. Proper use of headings help guide readers to specific parts of the text. It can also help them understand what those parts mean. A way to help guide people though the text is by using subheadings.
Subheadings are there for more than readability, they also exist for SEO purposes. This is why it’s important to sprinkle keywords in some of the subheadings. Be intentional about what keywords you want to use and where you want to use them. Too many keywords can ruin the piece by making it look messy.
4 – Use keywords
Much like subheadings, you don’t want to use too many keywords. It will make your post look chaotic and can hurt your rankings on google. Google can analyze what your text is about. It can recognize synonyms and other related words to your primary keyword. Because of this, it’s important to utilize synonyms and other related keywords throughout your article so Google can do its thing and get you to the top of its search engine.
5 – Keep it short and sweet
Most blogs now run at about 300-500 words minimum. In a world full of YouTube, Tik Tok, and video clips, people’s attention span only lasts so long. People tend to skim text, so you want to appeal to the general audience by making your article a reasonable length. Doing this not only makes people want to read your article, but helps make your blog more SEO friendly.
6 – Use embedded links
A great way to manage content and establish credibility is by linking content to other articles or your own articles on subjects you’ve already written about. It helps guide readers across the content and helps them scroll through your site. Doing this allows Google to more easily understand the structure of your website’s content and create more meaningful connections in search results.
7 – Post regularly
Posting regularly shows Google that your platform is alive and producing content. This makes it easier for Google to put you at the top of search engines. Creators that don’t regularly post allow their content to get stale or even lost, and this will affect your rankings. However, it takes more than regular posting to get you at the top of the search engine. You also need to create high-quality and engaging content that keep in mind the search intent of your readers.
Get organized and create a social media calendar as well as an editorial calendar. This is helpful for your team but also for creating good content. It’s also a good idea to update your older posts to keep them fresh.
Need some help making your blog SEO-Friendly?
As you can see, there are many benefits to taking the time to ensure that your blog posts are written in an SEO-friendly format. But, as you can also tell, there is some work involved. However, by doing the work, you can set your website and business up for success on search engines by building an audience that keeps coming back for more.
If you need some help with your blog’s SEO, we encourage you to contact us. We have solutions for every need and want to help you get started on the right track!
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