wild west domains

Wild West Domains (WWD) is a domain registrar and web hosting company that was founded in 1999 by the same founder as GoDaddy. The company was established as a separate entity to provide domain registration services mainly to resellers, allowing them to sell domains under their own brand names.

The idea behind Wild West Domains was to offer a platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses to enter the domain reselling market without the need for significant upfront investment or technical expertise. The company provided a white-label solution, enabling resellers to offer domain registration services under their own branding while relying on Wild West Domains for infrastructure and support.

Over the years through today

Eventually, Wild West Domains became a subsidiary of GoDaddy but continued to operate as a separate entity, focusing on providing domain registration and management services to resellers. The platform offered a range of features and tools designed to simplify the process of selling domains, including a customizable storefront, marketing materials, and backend management tools.

Through its reseller-focused approach, Wild West Domains played a significant role in expanding the domain industry by empowering individuals and businesses to become domain resellers. It provided opportunities for entrepreneurship and allowed entrepreneurs to build their own domain businesses without the need for extensive technical knowledge or resources. Today, it remains a key player in the domain registration industry, serving millions of customers worldwide through its network of resellers and partners.

Wild West Domains FAQ

What is Wild West Domains?

Wild West Domains, or WWD, as it is also referred to, is a domain registrar and web hosting company. It offers domain registration services, web hosting, and other online services to individuals and businesses mainly via resellers.

Is Wild West Domains owned by GoDaddy?

Yes, Wild West Domains is a subsidiary of GoDaddy, one of the largest domain registrars and web hosting companies in the world. It is still owned by GoDaddy as of today.

What services does Wild West Domains provide?

Wild West Domains provides domain registration services, web hosting, website building tools, email hosting, SSL certificates, and other online services to help individuals and businesses establish and maintain their online presence.

Can I register a domain name through Wild West Domains?

Yes, you can register domain names through Wild West Domains via an affiliated reseller. They offer a wide range of domain extensions (TLDs) for registration.

Is Domains Priced Right related to WWD?

Yes, Domains Priced Right is related to WWD in that the company leverages the WWD reseller infrastructure in the same way other GoDaddy resellers do to offer domain registration and web hosting-related services.

How does Wild West Domains compare to other domain registrars?

While Wild West Domains operates primarily as a reseller platform, it offers competitive pricing and a range of services similar to other domain registrars. However, its association with GoDaddy provides access to additional resources and support.

What are the benefits of using Wild West Domains for domain registration and hosting?

Benefits include competitive pricing, a user-friendly interface for managing domains and hosting, access to GoDaddy’s resources and support, and the ability to bundle domain registration with hosting services for convenience.

Can I transfer my domain to Wild West Domains from another registrar?

Yes, you can transfer your domain to Wild West Domains from another registrar via the reseller domain transfer page.

How do I contact Wild West Domains?

You can reach Wild West Domains by calling their 24/7 support phone number at 1-480-624-2500.

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