content optimization for seo

Should I Create New Content or Optimize Old Webpages? Which is Better For SEO?

Many people wonder if the focus of their SEO efforts should be on creating new content or updating existing content. The simple answer is to focus on both. You should dedicate about half of your SEO efforts to updating old … Read More

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boost website search rankings

Boost Your Website Search Rankings With These 7 SEO Considerations

With Google seeing billions of searches each day, it’s more important than ever for small businesses to step up their SEO (search engine optimization) game. Numbers show that most Google clicks are among the top 5 or so results. Meaning, … Read More

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seo in business organization hierarchy

Where does SEO fit within business organizations? And where it should.

Elements of modern SEO include: Content, UX, building trust, and other things aimed at providing a targeted, user friendly experience for your audience in order to gain conversion. SEO goes beyond knowing what words to us and where to put … Read More

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SEO blog content writing

Here’s How To Make Your Next Blog Post SEO-Friendly

Writing blogs is no easy task. It takes skill to generate organic traffic to your site through interesting and current topics and trends. You want to create clickable and sharable content that will increase your ranking on Google. Here’s some … Read More

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seo content

Why You Need SEO Content as Part of Your Overall SEO Strategy

SEO is one of those marketing terms you’ll hear over and over as a small business owner and have no idea what it actually is. So before we get into the thick of it, let’s go over the basics: What … Read More

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difference between seo and ppc

What is the difference between SEO and PPC?

SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) Online Marketing Options When running a business, you may at some point decide to invest in online marketing. SEO, PPC – What’s the best option? You’ve likely heard of SEO and PPC, but … Read More

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why seo is important

Why SEO is Important

If you’re wondering why SEO is important, you’ve come to the right place. SEO is a concept that is important for any business to implement that wants their website to rank highly on search engines. While the concept is not … Read More

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seo company san antonio

How to Hire an SEO

So, the time has to come to choose an SEO company to help your website rank high on Google. Just what do you look for? How do you find the right SEO expert or company? Today we’ll be covering this … Read More

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seo in 2019

How to Crush SEO in 2019

As you may know, SEO is a constant changing formula that determines where websites ultimately rank in search engines. As a marketer or small business, it’s important to pay close attention to changes in SEO to ensure that your website … Read More

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content marketing

How Content Marketing Helps with SEO

For the longest time, you may have heard the phrase, “content is king.” But what does this phrase really mean? Well when it comes to SEO, it means a whole lot in terms of where your site might rank on … Read More

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local seo

Why Local SEO Matters to Your Business

You already know how important SEO is to your site and its rankings. But did you know that besides regular SEO, there’s also something called “local SEO?” Local search is another great way to get your website ranked and seen … Read More

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